china law

After entry into the WTO, how will China change its anti-dumping laws and regulations to conform to WTO commitment?

Before China entered the WTO, its anti-dumping laws and regulations were composed of the PRC Foreign Trade Law, The PRC anti-dumping and anti-subsidy Regulations, and several departmental rules promulgated by the Ministry of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC), The State Economic & Trade Commission (SETC) and the General Customs Administration (GCA). Now, after China's accession to the WTO, the related authorities are committed to drafting and formulating departmental rules related to anti-dumping investigative procedures. In addition, some important rules and provisions will be added to the existing regulations to further define the basis for fair comparison between the export price and normal value, the prerequisites for cumulative assessment, detailed rules related to the undertaking, newcomer review and interim review and possibly judicial review.