china law

Is the PRC Government determined to establish a centralized Chinese character domain name registration system?

Yes. An illustration of the PRC Government's determination to centralize CCDN registration can be seen in a China State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision (Bureau) press release and reported in the 16 February 2001 edition of China Daily. The Bureau announced that it would trial the implementation of a consistent national standard for CCDN registration using the CINIC system. The intention is to issue a series of regulations whereby an enterprise, individual or government department domain name application will be registered in line with the relevant patent, copyright and trademark laws. According to the Bureau, the competition between i-DNS, NSI and CINIC "has led to chaos" in the development of CCDN registration on the mainland and has "put domestic enterprises at a loss as to which system to choose". The Bureau has further pledged to recommend this national standard structure to the International Standardization Organization to make it the world norm for CCDN's.