china law

What are some measures taken by the Hong Kong government for the supervision of subcontracting of public works?

What are some measures taken by the Hong Kong government for the supervision of subcontracting of public works?

To achieve better control and supervision of subcontracting, the Government has obtained support in principle from the construction industry to include a subcontractor management plan as a new tender requirement for public works contracts. As a complementary measure, the PCICB has drawn up for consultation with the industry stakeholders a set of draft guidelines on subcontracting practice and a broad operational framework for the voluntary subcontractors registration scheme.

On employees' compensation insurance, the board has initiated a dialogue with the insurance industry to provide suitable insurance coverage for self-employed construction workers and to work out a premium rebate scheme to encourage better safety performance on construction sites.


Regarding the formation of a statutory industry coordinating body, the board has drawn up a preliminary framework for the industry-wide organization tasked to spearhead reforms and to forge consensus on long-term strategic issues.

As part of the Government's comprehensive Slope Safety Strategy, a 10-year Landslip Preventive Measures (LPM) Program, with a budget of about $9 billion, was launched in April 2000 to systematically upgrade substandard government slopes and carry out safety screening of private slopes. In addition, about $800 million will be spent in 2002-03 to maintain government slopes. For private slopes, a revised loan scheme on building safety improvement was set up in July 2001 to provide assistance to owners who need financial assistance to maintain their slopes. To further enhance visual harmony with the surroundings, landscaping will be included in upgraded or newly formed government slopes.


