china law

What are the building projects pertaining to disciplined services which have been or will be undertaken by the Hong Kong government at the moment?

What are the building projects pertaining to disciplined services which have been or will be undertaken by the Hong Kong government at the moment?

The Tai Chik Sha Fire Station and Ambulance Depot at Tseung Kwan O, and the Redevelopment of Tai Lam Correction Institution were completed during the year.

Construction was in progress on the Fire Station and Ambulance Depots in Tin Shui Wai, Sha Tau Kok and Braemar Hill; Phase III redevelopment of the Police Dog Unit and Force Search Unit complex at Sha Ling in the New Territories.

Preparatory work was under way for the construction of the New Territories South Regional Police Headquarters at Tsuen Wan. Under the 'Police Stations Improvement Project' programme, improvements to 29 stations were completed in 2002 and refurbishment of the remaining 27 stations was in progress for completion in the second quarter of 2003.


