china law

What documents are required when applying?

What documents are required when applying?

On March 6, 2001, the CSRC issued new regulations regarding the listing application documents in relation to initial public offerings by prospective issuers. The new regulations provide that the listing documents are divided into two categories: those required to be disclosed on designated websites and newspapers, and those not to be required to be disclosed on designated websites and newspapers. All the application documents are open to the public for inspection. At the time of the first submission, five copies of the listing documents must be prepared with one being original and the other four being photocopies. The following is a list of the major listing application documents:

Listing application documents required to be disclosed on designated websites and newspapers:

summary of the prospectus;
audit report and financial statements;
profit forecast and the review report of certified public accountants;
issuing announcement.

Listing application documents not required to be disclosed on designated websites and newspapers:

Documents from the issuer:

promoters' agreements;
Articles of Association of the issuer;
Shareholders' resolution in relation to the use of proceeds;
Feasibility Report in relation to the use of proceeds;
other documents

Documents from the leading underwriter:

recommendation letter;
review opinion;
final guidance program report.

Documents from the issuer's PRC lawyer:

legal working report;
legal opinion.

Other listing application documents include minutes and shareholders' resolutions, non-competition undertakings from major promoters, major connected transaction agreement.
