china law

Click to see Government of the PRC


Jiang Zemin

Vice President:

Hu Jintao


Zhu Rongji

Vice Premiers:

Li Lanqing
Qian Qichen
Wen Jiabao
Wu Bangguo

State Councilors:

Chi Haotian
Ismail Amat
Luo Gan
Wu Yi

Head of the National People's Congress:

Li Peng

Minister of Information Industry:

Wu Sichuan

Minister of Agriculture:

Du Qinglin

Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation:

Shi Guangsheng

Minister of State Development Planning Commission:

Zeng Peiyan

Chair of State Economic and Trade Commission:

Li Rongrong

President of the People's Bank of China:

Dai Xianglong