china law

Business Entertainment in China

What is common entertainment for the Chinese? On receipt of an invitation to dine, how should one reply?

Dining in a restaurant or hotel is the usual entertainment of choice for the Chinese. When receiving an invitation to dine, the foreigner should reply to verbal invitations verbally and to written invitations in writing. If you are unable to attend, be sure to include an explanation.


What are usual polite manners when attending a dinner invitation?

Firstly, enter a room according to rank. When you arrive, your Chinese hosts may applaud you; applaud them in return. Upon arrival, guests will be served tea, you should drink a little at least. Guests will mill around and engage in casual conversation. Once the food is on the table, the host will invite everyone to sit. Never go to the table until after the host has extended the invitation. The more dishes per course served, the more honour bestowed upon the guest.


Is there any particular arrangements for seating in at dinner?

Seating is based on rank. The host sits at the center of a large round table in the seat opposite the entrance to the room. The guest of honour sits to the right of the host.


What are the usual topics and conversations during the dinner?

Business is not discussed during the meal, but a skilled businessperson will allude to business indirectly and listen for clues or tips. Make appreciative remarks about the food throughout and at the end of the meal. Beware of praising food you do not like in an effort to be polite or it may be served to you at all subsequent banquets. In the dinner, avoid criticizing China or mentioning Taiwan.


What are the usual toasts during the dinner?

Toasts are an important feature of Chinese banquets. Liquor, usually maotai, is served for toasting. However, it can be too strong for many Western palates. It is acceptable to toast with anything, even water.

Chinese toasts are "chin chin" or "gambei." Good standby toasts are "to the longevity of our business relationship" and "to the friendship of our companies." Do not clink glasses.

The host, possibly followed by the co-host, offers a welcoming speech and a toast to honor the guests shortly after the meal begins. The guests should accept the gesture graciously.

During the soup course, the guest of honor or senior guest should reciprocate by giving a speech of gratitude for the host's hospitality and offer a toast in honor of the host. Other guests may offer additional toasts.

At the end of the meal, usually the host thanks the guests for coming and offers a final toast. Everyone should depart immediately.


What is the usual order of courses during a dinner?

The order of courses is usually as follows:

1) Cold first course with three or four different dishes.

2) Hot second course with five or more dishes to satisfy the five basic tastes (sweet, sour, spicy, salty and bitter). The sweet dish is usually served in the middle, luring the novice into the mistaken thought that the meal is over. Fish, to signify abundance, is usually the last hot dish served.

3) Soup is served after the main course dishes are removed.

4) Plain boiled rice is offered next. Eating it implies you are still hungry and your host may be insulted. It is better to refuse.

5) Cookies.

6) Canned or fresh fruit. Specific fruits have specific meanings: pears are especially appropriate for business dinners because they represent prosperity.

7) Ice cream is served for a very honored guest.


What are the common drinks during the dinner? Can I ask for cold water or ice?

Beer, wine and soft drinks are commonly served with dinner. Do not ask for cold water or ice during the dinner because your host may not be able to obtain them.


Will the host serve the guests during the meal?

The host will serve the guest of honor and all people within his reach throughout the meal. If you are not within the host's reach, the people on either side of you will serve you. Do not serve yourself or remove serving dishes from the lazy susan. Serving spoons or chopsticks may be provided. If not, the host will serve with his chopsticks, turned around to the broad. Do not take offense at this.


Can I ask what I want? Can I refuse what I don't want?

You will not be asked what you want; the food will just be put on your plate. If you really do not want something, accept it but do not eat it. Eat small quantities; you are expected to sample each dish of each course. If the host has a particularly delectable morsel on his plate, he may honor you by taking it and putting it on your plate.


If the host has behaviors unacceptable to the Western style, shall I feel offended?

Chinese businessmen make concessions to Western sensibilities with increasing frequency. However, do not be offended if they bring soup and rice bowls up to the mouth to eat, smoke at the table, or spit. These are all acceptable behaviors in China.


What will be served at the end of the meal? How long does the banquet usually last?

Tea will be served at the end of the meal. Wet towels may be passed around. The banquet lasts about two hours, usually from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.


Shall I send a thank you note after the meal?

Be sure to thank your host in person after the meal. Thank you notes are not necessary, although they are appreciated.


Are chopsticks used in the meal? Tell me something about the manner of using Chinese chopsticks?

Chopsticks are used for everything except soup (eaten with a porcelain spoon), Peking Duck (eaten with the hands), and dessert. Chinese chopsticks are usually round, made of ivory or plastic. They are longer and heavier than Japanese chopsticks. It is a courtesy to turn your chopsticks around to use the broad end when serving. Do not lay your chopsticks across your bowl.


Are business gifts used through the communication? What kind of gifts are usually provided?

Business gifts are part of the process of developing guanxi (relationship). Usually, there is a gift-giving ceremony at the end of negotiations. Each side presents its gifts, with the Chinese extending theirs first.

The value of a gift is less important than some might think. The idea matters more.

Gifts representing your hometown or state, such as picture books or tasteful crafts, are appropriate. Also appreciated are cigarettes and good liquor. Be noted, avoid clocks as they signify the end of relationship.


Is there any difference for the gifts to different members of a Chinese team?

When presenting to several members of a Chinese team, the gifts must reflect the status of the individuals. The value of each person's gift should correspond to that person's place in the hierarchy. Present the first gift to the most senior person and then continue on down the line. Wrap gifts nicely and do not expect them to be opened in your presence. Gifts should always be wrapped. Red paper is a symbol of good luck.


Shall I host a banquet for the honor of the Chinese hosts as a return to theirs? How should I reciprocate?

A guest of honor or a group who has been honored at a banquet by their Chinese hosts should always reciprocate with a banquet of equal stature at the end of the trip. It is acceptable to reciprocate at a restaurant in a Western style hotel. Because banquets are very detailed events, plan as far in advance as possible with the hotel management. Pay special attention to the menu for your banquet so that your Chinese host feels honored in return. When extending your invitations to the banquet, be specific. The Chinese are more literal and will take vague intentions like "next week" at face value. When hosting the banquet, arrive early to attend to all details, especially the seating arrangements that indicate rank and status. When entertaining Western-style, a long rectangular table is acceptable. A round table would be preferable.