china law

The Way Chinese Regard Foreigners

What are the common attitudes of Chinese towards foreigners?

With the government's Open Door policy toward the West, foreigners are pouring into China in ever increasing numbers. In the past, Chinese citizens were forbidden to talk with foreigners. Today, a foreign guest can expect to be the object of much attention in China. Many Chinese will regard foreigners with a mixture of awe, fear, and most of all, curiosity. Chinese often stare at foreigners in wide-eyed wonder. While the Chinese accord foreigners a certain amount of respect, there is also a great pride in Chinese culture and a belief that the Chinese population is the greatest race of people on earth.

Chinese generally consider any Westerner to be rich. This causes respect as well as resentment. Some Chinese cannot understand how foreigners could possibly have so much money, and probably some still believe it is a result of capitalist exploitation. But more and more people in China are coming to understand that free market economics is the real reason for the disparity between Chinese and foreign incomes. Chinese often view Americans in particular as having material strength but a shallow cultural foundation due to their short 200-year history. They view Europe as the cultural center of the Western world, but its continuous history is also short compared to China's reputed 5,000 years of civilization.


Is there any effect on Chinese today from the early exploitation by foreigners?

The painful lessons of China's early exploitation by foreigners are still remembered today. The English are routinely reminded of the abuses they committed during the Opium Wars. During World War 2, the Japanese army committed atrocities in China. Although trade and economic cooperation between China and Japan is booming today, in private many Chinese will admit to negative feelings about the Japanese.


What is the idea of Chinese about individual freedom?

The Western ideas about individual freedom are totally alien in the collectivist culture of China. As a result, Chinese often see Western behavior as selfish and uncaring for the common interests of a group. Westerners visiting China should try to behave in ways that cannot be viewed as too self-centered.


What are the attitude of Chinese young people towards western culture and western countries?

Chinese youth are increasingly inspired by foreign culture and they are likely to disregard old international aversions as things of the past. They are adopting styles that they believe are popular in the West, such as blue jeans, leather jackets, and a love for pop music. The PRC government has expressed concern over this Western influence, which it has termed "spiritual pollution". The press has countered the glamorous view of America with stories of robbery, murder, ethnic tensions and drug addiction in that country.