china law

Section Two: General Meeting of Shareholders

Article 99
The general meeting of shareholders of a joint stock limited company is composed of all shareholders. The general meeting of shareholders is the company's organ of authority, and shall exercise its authorities in accordance herewith.

Article 100
The provisions set forth in Article 38(2) with regards to the functions of the shareholders meeting of a limited liability company shall apply to the general meeting of shareholders of a joint stock limited company.

Article 101
The general meeting of shareholders shall hold an annual meeting each year. An interim general meeting of the shareholders shall be held within two (2) months upon the occurrence of any of the following circumstances:

(1) The number of directors falls below the number prescribed herein or below two-thirds of the number prescribed in the articles of association;
(2) The company's losses which are not covered have reached one-third of the total amount of the share capital;
(3) Shareholders holding at least ten percent (10%) of the company's stocks make a request;
(4) The board of directors deems necessary;
(5) The board of supervisors proposes for such a meeting;
(6) Other circumstances provided for in the articles of association.

Article 102
A general meeting of shareholders shall be convened by the board of directors and shall be presided over by the chairman of the board. Where the chairman is unable to or does not perform his duties, the meeting shall be presided over by the vice-chairman. Where the vice chairman is unable to or does not perform his duties, the meeting shall be presided over by a director jointly appointed by a majority of all the directors.

Where the board of directors is unable to or does not perform the duties to convene a general meeting of shareholders, the meeting shall be called and presided over by the board of supervisors in a timely manner. Where the board of supervisors is unable to or does not perform the duties to call and preside over a general meeting of shareholders, the shareholders individually or jointly holding ninety percent (90%) of the shares of the company for consecutive ninety (90) days or more may, at its own discretion, convene and preside over a general meeting of shareholders.

Article 103
In order to hold a general meeting of shareholders, notice concerning the time, venue and matters to be considered at the meeting shall be given to each shareholder twenty days in advance. In the event of an interim meeting of shareholders, the notice may be given fifteen days in advance. Where the company has issued bearer share certificates, a public notice concerning the time, venue and matters to be considered at the meeting shall be made thirty days prior to the meeting.

Shareholders individually or jointly holding three percent (3%) of the shares of the company may, ten days prior to the general meeting of shareholders, submit a temporary written proposal to the board of directors. The board of directors shall, within two days after receipt of the proposal, inform other shareholders and submit the proposal to the general meeting of shareholders for deliberation. The items contained in the proposal shall fall within the scope of powers exercised by the general meeting of shareholders and clear topic and specific matters to be considered shall be included. The general meeting of shareholders shall not decide on any matters that are not specified in aforesaid notices. Where the holders of bearer shares attend the general meeting of shareholders, they shall deposit the shares with the company five (5) days earlier before the date of the meeting up till the closing date of the meeting.

Article 104
When a shareholder attends the general meeting of shareholders, each share he holds is entitled to one vote. However, the share held by the company itself shall not have the voting right. A resolution adopted by the general meeting of shareholders requires affirmative votes by a majority of the votes held by shareholders attending the meeting. The resolution with regards to amendment to the articles of association, increase or decrease of registered capital, merger, division or dissolution of the company or change of the form of the company requires affirmative votes by at least two-thirds of the votes held by shareholders attending the meeting.

Article 105
Where it is stipulated in this Law or the articles of association that the assignment or receipt of the company’s major assets or provision of security shall be determined at the general meeting of shareholders, the board of directors shall, in a timely manner, convene the general meeting of shareholders that will vote on aforesaid matters.

Article 106
The general meeting of shareholders shall adopt accumulative voting system when voting on the election of directors or supervisors in accordance with the articles of association or the resolution adopted by the shareholders’ general meeting. The accumulative voting system referred to herein means that in the election of the directors or supervisors at the general meeting, the number of votes attached to each share held by a
shareholder shall be equal to the number of candidates. A shareholder can multiply his voting shares by the number of candidates and vote them all for one person for director or supervisor.

Article 107
A shareholder may attend a general meeting of shareholders by proxy, the proxy holder shall present the proxy statement issued by the shareholder to the company, and shall exercise his voting rights to the extent authorized by the proxy.

Article 108 The general meeting of shareholders shall prepare minutes regarding the decisions on matters considered at the meeting, which shall be signed by the chairman of the meeting and directors attending the meeting. The minutes shall be maintained together with the record containing signatures of the shareholders attending the meeting and the proxy statements.