china law

Chapter Six: Qualifications and Obligations of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Officers

Article 147
A person in any of the following categories may not serve as a director, supervisor, or the general manager of a company:

(1) without civil capacity or with limited civil capacity;
(2) having been sentenced to prison for the following crimes, and completion of the sentence being less than five years ago: embezzlement, bribery, conversion of property, misappropriation of property, sabotage of social economic order; or having been deprived of political rights as a result of a criminal conviction, and completion of such sanction being less than five years ago;
(3) having served as a director, the factory chief, or the general manager of a company or enterprise which underwent bankruptcy liquidation as a result of mismanagement, and being personally responsible for such bankruptcy, and completion of the bankruptcy liquidation being less than three years ago;
(4) having served as the legal representative of a company or enterprise whose business license was revoked due to its violation of law, and being personally responsible for such revocation, and such revocation occurring less than three years ago;
(5) in default of personal debt of a significant amount.

If the company elects or appoints a director or supervisor or employs the senior officer in violation of the above paragraph, such election, appointment or employment is invalid. The company shall remove the director, supervisor or senior officer once the circumstances described in item (1) occur.

Article 148
A director, supervisor, or the general manager shall abide by laws, administrative regulations and articles of association of the company and shall have the fiduciary and diligent duties to the company.

A director, supervisor, or the senior officer may not abuse their authorities by accepting bribes or generating other illegal income, and may not convert company property.

Article 149
The director and senior officer:

(1) may not misappropriate company funds;
(2) may not deposit company assets into an account in his own name or in any other individual's name;
(3) may not loan company funds to other people or give company assets as security for the debt of any other individual without the approval of the shareholders meeting, general meeting of shareholders or the board of directors in violation of the articles of association;
(4) may not execute any contract or engage in any transaction with the company in violation of the articles of association or without the approval of the shareholders meeting or the general meeting of shareholders;
(5) may not use the favorable conditions and conveniences to seek the business opportunities that shall belong to the company to engage in the same business as the company in which he serves as a director or the senior officer either for his own account or for any other person's account without the approval of the shareholders meeting or the general meeting of shareholders;
(6) may not accept and possess the commissions paid by others for transactions conducted with the company;
(7) may not disclose company confidential information without authorization;
(8) may not engage in other activities in violation of his fiduciary duties.

Article 150
If a director, supervisor or the senior officer causes detriment to the company while performing his duties in violation of laws, administrative regulations or the articles of association, he shall be liable for the loss so caused.

Article 151
Where the shareholders meeting or the general meeting of shareholders requires a director, supervisor or the senior officer to be present at meetings, they shall be present at meetings and answer the inquiries of shareholders.

A director or senior officer shall provide the board of supervisors or the supervisors of a limited liability company without a board of supervisors with genuine documents and information and shall not obstruct the board of supervisors or supervisors from performing duties.

Article 152
Where a director or senior officer is involved in the circumstance as described in Article 150, the shareholders of a limited liability company or a joint stock limited company that individually or jointly hold one percent (1%) of the total shares for consecutive 180 days may request in writing the board of supervisors or the supervisors of a limited liability company without a board of supervisors to file suit before a people’s court. Where a supervisor is involved in the circumstance as described in Article 150, aforesaid shareholders may request in writing the board of directors or the executive director of a limited liability company without a board of directors to file suit before a people’s court.

Where the board of supervisors or the supervisors of a limited liability company without a board of supervisors, or the board of directors or the executive director refuses to file suit after receipt of the written request mentioned above, or does not file suit within thirty days of the receipt of the same, or comes across an emergency where, if no immediate actions are taken, the company’ s interests shall be incurably impaired, then the shareholders may, for the interest of the company and on their own behalf, directly file suit before a people’s court.

Where the company’s legal rights and interests are violated by others and in the event of any losses incurred, the shareholders defined in the first preceding paragraph may file suit before a people’s court in accordance with the first two preceding paragraphs.

Article 153 Where a director or senior officer violates laws, administrative registrations or the articles of association, or infringes upon the rights and interests of the shareholders, the shareholders may file suit before a people’s court.