china law

Customs, Import/Export and Trading

Trade Policy

Administrative Provisions of the People's Republic of China on Certificate of Origin for Export Goods

Administration Rules on the Exchange and Trading of Goods by Border Residents - 1999

Announcement of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, the State Planning Commission, The State Economic and Trade Commission and the Customs General Administration Concerning the Removal of Import Control Measures over Commodities under 176 Tariff Lines - 1995

Anti-Dumping and Anti-Subsidy Regulations of the People's Republic of China -1997

Circular of State Administration of Chinese Traditional Medicine, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation,State Administration of Import and Export Commodity Inspection and Customs General Administration on Implementing the Quality Registration, Inspection and Releasing System of Chinese Traditional Medicines to Be Exported (Excerpts) - 1996

Customs Law of The People's Republic of China - 1987

Customs Procedures of the People's Republic of China for the Levying of Import Tax on Travellers' Luggage Articles and Personal Mailed Parcels - 1991

Customs Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Control over Bonded Materials Imported by Materials Corporations for Foreign Investment Enterprises - 1991

Customs Regulations of the People's Republic of China Concerning Control over Import and Export Goods into Technological Industrial Development Zones - 1991

Interim Regulations of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic cooperation on Punishment for Conduct of Exporting at Lower-than-Normal Price - 1996

Law of the People's Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection - 1989

Measures for Exemption From Inspection of Import And Export Commodities - 1989

Measures for Re-inspection of Import and Export Commodities - 1989

Measures of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Implementation of the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Customs Protection of Intellectual Property Rights - 2004

Measures of the People's Republic of China on Administration by the Customs of Duty Free Foreign Exchange Goods Business - 1991

Notice on the Application of Export License - 1996

Notice on the Application of Import License - 1996

Provision for the Administration of Quality License for the Export of Light Industrial Machinery and Electronic Products - 1995

Provisions for the Exemption of Import and Export Commodities from Inspection - 1994

Regulations for the Implementation of The Law of The People's Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection - 1992

Provisions for Imposing Administrative Penalties Concerning the Import and Export Commodity Inspection of the People's Republic of China (Trial Implementation) - 1995

Provisions of the People's Republic of China on Administration of the International Goods Shipping Agency Industry - 1995

Regulations on Establishment of Foreign-Funded Import and Export Commodities Inspection and Appraisal Enterprise - 1995

Regulations of the Customs General Administration of the People's Republic of China on the Management of Agent Declaration Enterprises - 1995

Regulations of the Customs General Administration on the Management of Agent Declaration Enterprises - 1995


Import and Export

Administrative Provisions of the People's Republic of China on Certificate of Origin for Export Goods - 1996

Administrative Rules on Importation of Audio and Video Products - 1996

Circular of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economy Cooperation ("MOFTEC") concerning the Extension of Import & Export Rights of Foreign-invested Enterprises

Circular of Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, State Press and Publishing Administration and Customs General Administration on the Administration of Imports of CD Manufacturing Equipment - 1996

Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Methods on Export Quota Bidding with Compensation -1996

Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China - 1994

Interim Provisions for Administration of Exporting Fresh, Live and Frozen Goods to Hong Kong and Macao - 1996

Measures for Evaluation of the Charges for Using Imports Commodity Concession of the Custom of the People's Republic of China - 2003

Notice on the Application of Export License 1- 1996

Notice on Policies for Reform and Adjustment of Import Tax (Summary) - 1995

Provisions on Bidding for Export of Machinery and Electronic Products - 1996

Provisional Regulations on Trade Administration of Technology Introduction and Equipment Importation 1- 1996

Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Arms Export - 1998

Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Control of Nuclear Dual-Use Items and Related Technologies Export - 1998

Regulation on Administration of Organizations in Charge of Import or Machinery and Electronic Products in Localities and Departments at the Central Level - 1995

Regulation on Strengthening Control Over Shipment of Import Wastes- 1996

Several Provisions on the Administration of Export License - 1996

Supplementary Provisions to Provisional Regulations on Environmental Protection Control over Import Wastes- 1996




Administration Rules on the Exchange and Trading of Goods by Border Residents - 1996

Administrative Rules on Monitored Chemicals of the People's Republic of China - 1995

Circular of the State Council on Issues Covering Border Trade - 1996

Implementation Rules on Small-Volume Frontier Trade of Importing Machinery and Electronic Products - 1996

Provisions of Administration on Border Trade of Small Cooperation of Border Regions - 1996

Regulations Concerning the Administration on Trademarks in Foreign Trade- 1995

Regulations on Administration of Oversea Foreign Exchange Account - 1997

Regulations on the Administration of Agent Business For Cross-stralts Cargo Shipping