china law

Measures for Re-inspection of Import and Export Commodities - 1989

(Issued by the State Administration for the Inspection of Import and Export Commodities on December 10, 1989)

Article 1.  

These Measures are hereby formulated in accordance withArticle 24 of the Law on the Inspection of Import and Export Commoditiesof the People's Republic of China.

Article 2.  

If an applicant for inspection of import or exportcommodities (hereinafter referred to as "applicant") disagrees with theinspection results of a commodity inspection organ, he may apply to theoriginal commodity inspection organ or its superior or the StateAdministration for the Inspection of Import and Export Commodities forre-inspection.

Article 3.  

An application for re-inspection should be made by theapplicant within 15 days after receipt of the inspection results fromthe commodity inspection organ, along with filled out forms and relateddocuments. For application forwarded by mail, the day mailed out theapplication will be regarded as the application date.

After examining the application for re-inspection, the commodityinspection organ or the State Administration for the Inspection ofImport and Export Commodities shall accept the application if the factsprovided are met.

Article 4.  

The applicant shall keep the commodity for re-inspectionunchanged, with the packing, quality, quantity and marks remain the sameas original.

Article 5.  

The commodity inspection organ or the State Administrationfor the Inspection of Import and Export Commodities shall complete there-inspection within 30 days after receipt of the application and issuethe certificate of the re-inspection result. If the contents andprocedures for re-inspection are complicated or any other specificreasons, the re-inspection period may be extended but may not exceed 70days, and the applicant must be informed.

Article 6.  

The commodity inspection organ or the State Administrationfor the Inspection of Import and Export Commodities in charge of there-inspection shall set up a group of experts to carry out there-inspection.

Article 7.  

The re-inspection group of experts should observedisciplinary regulations, carry out their work with fairness and workindependently in accordance with regulations.

Article 8.  

Re-inspection shall be carried out in accordance with thefollowing procedures:

    (1) Examine application form for re-inspection and other necessarymaterials provided by applicant;

    (2) Examine the findings of the original inspection (includingstandards and methods used in the inspection);

    (3) Examine the procedures used in the original inspection and itsprocesses of inspection and testing;

    (4) Check commodity batch number, marks and signs, serial number,quality, weight, quantity, packaging and conditions;

    (5) Fix the standard for re-inspection and procedures for inspectionand testing, and work out the proposal for taking samples forre-inspection;

    (6) Testing the samples;

    (7) Make assessment for drawing a conclusion of re-inspection;

    (8) Draw a conclusion of re-inspection and issue a conclusioncertificate for re-inspection.

Article 9.  

If the applicant still disagrees with the results ofre-inspection, he may apply to the State Administration for theInspection of Import and Export Commodities for another re-inspectionwithin 5 days after receipt of the results. The conclusion ofre-inspection made by the State Administration for the Insepction ofImport and Export Commodities shall be final.

Article 10.  

The applicants shall pay re-inspection fees as stipulated.

Article 11.  

If the re-inspection results are in contradiction with theoriginal inspection, the commodity inspection organ or the StateAdministration for the Inspection of Import and Export Commodities shallassess the original inspection process. The original commodityinspection organ should bear the cost for re-inspection if it is atfault.

Article 12.  

These Measures shall come into force on January 1, 1990.