china law

Electric Power Law of the People's Republic of China - 1996

(Adopted by the 17th Session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on December 28, 1995, promulgated by the Order No. 60 of the President of the People's Republic of China on December 28, 1995, and effective on April 1, 1996.)



Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter II
Electric Power Construction
Chapter III
Electric Power Production and Electric Network Management
Chapter IV
Supply and Utilization of Electricity
Chapter V
Electricity Price and Electricity Fee
Chapter VI
Rural Electric Power Construction and Agricultural Use of Electricity
Chapter VII
Protection of Electric Facilities
Chapter VIII
Supervision and Inspection
Chapter IX
Legal Responsibility
Chapter X
Supplementary Provisions

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1
This Law is enacted for the purposes of ensuring and promoting the development of the electric power, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of investors, entrepreneurs and users of electric power and maintaining the safe services of electric power.

Article 2
This Law is applicable to construction, production, supply and utilization in connection with the electric power within the territory of the People's Republic of China.

Article 3
The electric power shall satisfy the needs of the national economy and social progress, and shall be in advance of the practical needs. The State encourages and guides domestic and overseas economic organizations and persons to, according to law, invest in the development of electric power sources and to establish electric power production enterprises.

The investment in the electric power shall be in conformity with the principle that the investor should benefit therefrom.

Article 4
Electric facilities shall be under the protection of the State.

It is forbidden for any unit or person to damage the electric facilities or unlawfully seize or use electric energy.

Article 5
The construction, production, supply and utilization in connection with the electric power shall protect the environment according to law, employ new technology, minimize the discharge of harmful substances, and prevent pollution and other public hazards.

The State encourages and supports electricity generation by using renewable and clean sources of energy.

Article 6
The administrative department of electric power of the State Council shall be in charge of the supervision and control of the electric power throughout the country. Relevant departments of the State Council shall, within the scope of their respective authorities, be in charge of the supervision and control of the electric power.

The competent comprehensive economic department of the local people's government at or above the county level is the administrative department of electric power within its administrative region, and shall be responsible for the supervision and control of the electric power. Relevant departments of the local people's government at or above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and control of the electric power within the scope of their respective authorities.

Article 7
Electric power construction enterprises, electric power production enterprises and electric network operating enterprises shall operate autonomously according to law, be responsible for their own gains or losses, and be subject to the supervision of administrative departments of electric power.

Article 8
The State supports and assists areas inhabited by minority nationalities, frontier and remote areas and poverty-stricken areas in developing the electric power.

Article 9
The State encourages the employment of advanced science and technology as well as management methods in the construction, production, supply and utilization of the electric power, and awards those units and persons that have made extraordinary achievements in such aspects as the research, development, and employment of advanced science and technology and management methods.


Chapter II Electric Power Construction

Article 10
The planning for the electric power development shall be made subject to the needs of the national economy and social progress, and shall be put into the plan of national economy and social development.

The planning for the electric power development shall manifest the principles of rational utilization of energy, coordinated development of electric power sources and electric networks, advancement of economic benefits and being conducive to environmental protection.

Article 11
The construction and renovation planning for urban electric networks shall be incorporated into the general urban planning. People's governments of cities shall, in accordance with the planning, arrange the land for current transformation facilities, transmission line corridors and electric cable channels.

No unit or person may unlawfully seize or use the land for current transformation facilities, transmission line corridors and electric cable channels.

Article 12
By virtue of instituting relevant policies, the State supports and promotes electric power construction.

Local people's governments shall, subject to the planning for the electric power development and their local conditions, take various measures to develop electric power sources and promote electric power construction.

Article 13
Investors in the electric power shall enjoy the statutory rights and interests over electricity generated from the investment they have made. Where electricity thus generated is hooked up with the electric network, the investor shall have the priority in utilization; where a self-supply power plant is not hooked up with the electric network, the investor shall have the authority in deciding the utilization on its own.

Article 14
An electric power construction project shall conform to the planning for the electric power development, and to the State's industrial policy on the electric power.

No electric power construction project may employ those electric equipment and technology which the State has expressly declared to be eliminated.

Article 15
Such supporting projects of electric networks as transmission and current transformation projects, automatic distribution and communication projects as well as environmental protection projects shall be designed, constructed, inspected for acceptance and put into operation simultaneously with the electricity-generating projects.

Article 16
The use of land for electric power construction projects shall be governed by the provisions of relevant laws and administrative regulations and, in the case where the land is requisitioned according to law, the land compensation fee and relocation compensation fee shall be paid therefor according to law, and the relocation of residents shall be handled properly.

Electric power construction shall be in conformity with the principle of protecting farmland and utilizing land in a conservative manner.

Local people's governments shall render support and assistance to the electric power sector in using land according to law and in relocating the residents concerned.

Article 17
Local people's governments shall support electric power enterprises in prospecting water sources, tapping and using water according to law for the electricity-generating projects. Electric power enterprises shall economize on water.


Chapter III Electric Power Production and Electric Network Management

Article 18
Electric power production and the electric networks services shall conform to the principles of safety, quality and economy.

The services of electric networks shall be consistent and stable, and shall ensure the reliability of electricity supply.

Article 19
Electric power enterprises shall strengthen the management on safe production, uphold the principle of safety first and prevention priority, and set up and improve the safe production responsibility system.

Electric power enterprises shall carry out regular check and inspection and maintenance on electric facilities so as to ensure their normal operation.

Article 20
The supply enterprises and transport enterprises of electricity-generating fuels and electric power production enterprises shall, in accordance with relevant regulations of the State Council or as agreed upon in the contracts, supply, transport and unload and take delivery of such fuels.

Article 21
The services of electric networks shall be subject to the unified distribution and control at different levels. No unit or person may illegally interfere the distribution of electric networks.

Article 22
The State advocates the hookup between electric power production enterprises and electric networks and among electric networks. In the case where an electric power production enterprise being qualified as an independent legal entity applies to hook up electricity it has generated with an electric network, the electric network operating enterprise shall agree to accept.

Such hookup must be consistent with the national or industrial standards of electric power.

Both parties to the hookup shall, in accordance with the principle of unified distribution, control at different levels, equality, mutual benefits and negotiation, conclude the hookup agreement, and define the rights and obligations of both parties; in the case where the two parties fail to reach such agreement, the administrative department of electric power at or above the provincial level shall coordinate and make a decision.

Article 23
The State Council shall, subject to the provisions of this Law, formulate the measures on the control of distribution of electric networks.


Chapter IV Supply and Utilization of Electricity

Article 24
The State adopts the principle of safe, economical and planned use on the supply and utilization of electricity.

The measures on supply and utilization of electricity shall be formulated by the State Council in accordance with the provisions of this Law.

Article 25
An electricity supply enterprise shall supply electricity to the users within its authorized supply area.

The division of supply areas shall take into consideration of such factors as the structure of electric networks and rationality of electricity supply. Only one supply agency may be established in one supply area.

The establishment and change of an electricity supply area within the territory of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall be applied for by the electricity supply enterprise, such application shall be examined by the administrative department of electric power of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government together with relevant departments at the same level and, if approved, the said administrative department of electric power shall issue the Permit for Electricity Supply thereto. The establishment and change of an electricity supply area involving two or more provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be examined by the administrative department of electric power of the State Council, which, if approving, shall issue the Permit for Electricity Supply thereto. The electricity supply agency shall, on the strength of the Permit for Electricity Supply, apply for and obtain the business license from the administrative department for industry and commerce before it may start the supply of electricity.

Article 26
The electricity supply agency within a supply area shall have the duty to supply electricity as stipulated by the State to the users within the its supply area; and may not refuse, in violation of the State's regulations, to supply electricity to the units and persons applying for electricity within its supply area.

Applications for new use, temporary use and additional capacity of electricity utilization as well as change and termination of electricity utilization shall accomplish the procedures as stipulated.

Every electricity supply enterprise shall, at its place of business , make public the procedures, rules and charge standard on the utilization of electricity, and provide information the users must know.

Article 27
Parties to electricity supply and demand shall, under the principle of equality, voluntariness and negotiation and in accordance with the measures on the supply and demand of electricity formulated by the State Council, sign the electricity supply and demand contract, define their respective rights and obligations.

Article 28
All electricity supply enterprises shall ensure that the quality of electricity supplied to the users is in conformity to the national standards. Any problem concerning the quality in electricity caused by general electric utility facilities shall be solved promptly.

If an user has special requirement on the quality of electricity, the electricity supply enterprise shall, according to its necessity and the probability of the electric network, supply electricity accordingly.

Article 29
Under normal operation of the electricity generating and supply systems, electricity supply enterprises shall supply electricity to users continuingly, and may not interrupt the supply. If it is necessary to interrupt the supply due to such reasons as check and inspection of supply facilities, restricting the supply amount according to law or illegal use of electricity by the user, the electricity supply enterprise shall notify users in advance according to relevant State regulations.

Any user who has objection over the interruption of supply by the electricity supply enterprise may file a complaint to the administrative department of electric power; the administrative department of electric power which took cognizance of the complaint shall deal with it according to law.

Article 30
When a rescue and relief operation needs an urgent supply of electricity, the electricity supply enterprise must arrange the electricity supply as quick as possible, and the costs on electricity supply project needed and electricity fees payable shall be governed by relevant regulations of the State.

Article 31
Every user shall install metering apparatus on electricity consumption. The amount of electricity consumed by the user shall be the amount indicated by such apparatus certified by the metrological inspection organization according to law.

The designing, construction and installation as well as operation management of electricity metering apparatus of users shall be consistent with the national or industrial standards of the electric power.

Article 32
Electricity consumption by users may not obstruct the safety in electricity supply and demand, nor may disrupt the order of electricity supply and demand.

Electricity supply enterprises are entitled to stop any one or any act obstructing the safety in electricity supply and demand or disrupting the order of such supply and demand.

Article 33
Electricity supply enterprises shall compute and collect electricity fees from users according to the electricity price approved by the State and the records indicated by the electricity metering apparatus.

An inspector, meter-reader or fee collector of an electricity supply enterprise who enters into the house of the user to conduct safety inspection, read the meter or collect the electricity fee, shall produce the relevant certificate.

All users shall, according to the electricity price approved by the State and the amount recorded by the metering apparatus for electricity consumption, pay electricity fees timely; and shall provide convenience and assistance to the inspectors, meter readers and fee collectors of electricity supply enterprises in performing their duties according to law.

Article 34
Electricity supply enterprises and users shall abide by relevant regulations of the State, and take effective measures to perform well on the safe, economical and planned use of electricity.


Chapter V Electricity Price and Electricity Fee

Article 35
''Electricity price'' as the term is used in this Law means the price of electricity hooked up with the electric network by the electric power production enterprise, the inter-supply electricity price among electric networks and the electricity sale price of the electric network.

The electricity price shall be governed by the principle of unified policy and unified pricing, and be controlled at different levels.

Article 36
The formulation of electricity price shall ensure to reasonably compensate the costs, to reasonably set the profits, and to compute tax according to law, shall fairly divide the costs and promote electric power construction.

Article 37
The price of electricity hooked up with the electric network shall follow the principle of the same quality and price for the same electric network. The concrete measures and implementation procedures shall be provided by the State Council.

If an electric power production enterprise needs to set the price of electricity hooked up with the electric network separately under a special circumstance, the State Council shall make the concrete measures therefor.

Article 38
The price of electricity hooked up with the electric network involving two or more provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government as well as at the provincial level shall be proposed by the electric power production enterprise and electric network operating enterprise through negotiation, be reported to the competent pricing administrative department of the State Council for approval.

The price of electricity hooked up with the independent electric network shall be proposed by the electric power production enterprise and electric network operating enterprise through negotiation, and be reported to the competent pricing administrative department having authority for approval.

The price of electricity generated by electric power production enterprise invested by the locality, if forming an independent electric network within the regions of the province or being generated for self-use, may be controlled by the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government.

Article 39
The price of inter-supply electricity between the electric network involving two or more provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and the independent electric network, or between the provincial level electric network and the independent electric network, shall be proposed by both parties through negotiation, and be submitted to the competent pricing administrative department of the State Council or its authorized department for approval.

The price of inter-supply electricity among independent electric networks shall be proposed by both parties through negotiation, and be reported to the competent pricing administrative department having authority for approval.

Article 40
The sale price of electricity of electric networks involving two or more provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government as well as at the provincial level shall be proposed by electric network operating enterprises, and be submitted to the competent pricing administrative department of the State Council or its authorized department for approval.

The sale price of electricity of independent electric networks shall be proposed by electric network operating enterprises, and be reported to the competent pricing administrative department having authority for approval.

Article 41
The State adopts a classified electricity price and time-sharing electricity price. The classification standard and time-sharing methods shall be set by the State Council.

Within one electric network, the standard of electricity price for the same category of voltage grade and the same category of electricity users shall be the same.

Article 42
The charge standard on incremental capacity on the users shall be established by the competent pricing administrative department of the State Council together with the administrative department of electric power of the State Council.

Article 43
No unit may fix the electricity price beyond its limits of power over electricity price control. No electricity supply enterprise may change the electricity price without authorization.

Article 44
All units and persons are forbidden to charge extra fees in the electricity charges; if laws and administrative regulations have otherwise provisions, however, such provisions shall apply.

If extra fees need to be collected from electricity charges on electricity generated by the local-financing power plants, the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall formulate the measures therefor in accordance with relevant regulations of the State Council.

All electricity supply enterprises are prohibited from collecting other fees other than the electricity fee.

Article 45
The State Council shall, subject to the provisions of this Law, formulate the measures on the control of the electricity price.


Chapter VI Rural Electric Power Construction and Agricultural Use of Electricity

Article 46
People's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall formulate plans for the rural electrification development, and shall incorporate such plans into the planning for their respective local electric power development as well as the plans of national economy and social development.

Article 47
The State adopts preferential policies for rural electrification, and renders special support to the rural electric power construction of the areas inhabited by minority nationalities, frontier and remote areas and poverty-stricken areas.

Article 48
The State advocates the development of rural hydropower resources and construction of medium- and small-sized hydroelectric plants to promote rural electrification.

The State encourages and supports the rural areas to utilize solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, biomass energy and other energy for the development of rural electric power sources and to increase the amount of electricity supplied to the rural areas.

Article 49
When arranging electric power quotas, the local people's governments at and above the county level and their competent comprehensive economic departments shall ensure an appropriate proportion of electricity for agriculture and rural uses, and give priority to the electricity for rural flood water drainage, combat of drought and seasonal agricultural production.

Electric power enterprises shall implement the electric power arrangements set out in the preceding paragraph, and may not reduce the electric power quotas for agriculture and rural uses.

Article 50
Electricity price for agriculture shall be fixed according to the principle of break-even and slight profits.

The price of electricity consumed by farmers and by local urban residents for their living shall be gradually unified.

Article 51
The measures on the control of electric power for agriculture and rural uses shall be formulated by the State Council in accordance with the provisions of this Law.


Chapter VII Protection of Electric Facilities

Article 52
No unit or person may harm electricity-generating, current transformation and electric power line facilities as well as relevant auxiliary facilities.

Any explosion or other operation intended in the surrounding area of electric facilities that might threaten the safety of electric facilities shall be subject to approval in accordance with relevant regulations of the State Council on the protection of electric facilities, and may be started only after measures guaranteeing the safety of electric facilities are taken.

Article 53
The administrative department of electric power shall, in accordance with relevant regulations of the State Council on the protection of electric facilities, erect warnings and signs for the protective zones of electric facilities.

Within the protective zones of electric facilities designated according to law, no unit or person may construct any building or constructional structure, grow vegetation, and stockpile articles and objects, which might threaten the safety of electric facilities.

Those plants already grown prior to the designation of the protective zones of electric facilities shall be trimmed or chopped if such plants obstruct the safety of electric facilities.

Article 54
If an unit or a person needs to conduct an operation within the protective zone of electric facilities designated according to law, which might threaten the safety of electric facilities, such operation shall be subject to approval of the administrative department of electric power, and only after safety measures are taken can the operation be started.

Article 55
If electric facilities, public utility projects, afforestation project and other projects affect one another in the process of construction, renovation and expansion, units concerned shall negotiate according to relevant State regulations, and only after an agreement is reached through negotiation, may the construction be started.


Chapter VIII Supervision and Inspection

Article 56
Administrative departments of electric power shall impose supervision over and inspection into the implementation of electric power law and administrative regulations by electric power enterprises and users.

Article 57
The administrative department of electric power may, as the work so requires, appoint electric power supervisors and inspectors.

Such supervisors and inspectors shall be impartial and honest in enforcing laws, be familiar with electric power laws and regulations, and master relevant professional electric power technologies.

Article 58
When carrying out supervision and inspection, electric power supervisors and inspectors shall have the rights to inquire into the implementation of electric power laws and administrative regulations by electric power enterprises or users, to consult relevant materials, and have the authority to enter into the spots to carry out inspection.

Electric power enterprises and users shall provide assistance and convenience for electric power supervisors and inspectors in their supervision and inspection.

When carrying out supervision and inspection, electric power supervisors and inspectors shall produce their certificates.


Chapter IX Legal Responsibility

Article 59
The electric power enterprise or user which breaches the electricity supply and demand contract and causes a loss to the other party shall be liable for it according to law.

An electric power enterprise which, in violation of the provisions of Article 28 or Paragraph 1 of Article 29 of this Law, fails to ensure the quality of electricity supplied or fails to inform the user on interruption of electricity supply and thereby causes a loss to the user, shall be liable for the loss according to law.

Article 60
The electric power enterprise shall be liable, according to law, for the loss or damage of the user or the third party caused by electric power operation fault.

The electric power enterprise shall not be liable for if the fault is caused by --

1. force majeure; or

2. the user's own negligence.

An user or a third party having negligence shall be liable, according to law, for the loss or damage of the electric power enterprise or other users, if any.

Article 61
Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 11 of this Law, illegally seizes or uses the land for current transformation facilities, the corridor for transmission line or the electric cable channel, shall be ordered to make correction within a period of time prescribed by the local people's government at or above the county level; compulsory measures shall be taken to eliminate such obstacles if no correction is made upon the expiry of the prescribed period.

Article 62
Where, in violation of the provisions of Article 14 of this Law, an electric power construction project fails to comply with the plan of electric power development or industrial policy, the administrative department of electric power shall order to suspend the construction of the project.

Where, in violation of the provisions of Article 14 of this Law, an electric power construction project uses electric power equipment or technology which the State has expressly declared to be eliminated, the administrative department of electric power shall order to stop the use of such equipment or technology, confiscate the electric power equipment declared by the State to be eliminated, and impose a fine not exceeding 50,000 yuan concurrently thereon.

Article 63
Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of Article 25 of this Law, engages in electricity supply or changes the supply area without authorization, shall be ordered to make correction by the administrative department of electric power, with its illegal income, if any, confiscated and a fine equivalent to no more than five times of that illegal income imposed concurrently.

Article 64
Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of Article 26 or 29 of this Law, refuses to supply electricity or interrupts electricity supply, shall be ordered to make correction by the administrative department of electric power, and be given a warning; if the case is serious, administrative penalty shall be given to the head in charge concerned and to persons held directly responsible.

Article 65
Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of Article 32 of this Law, harms the safety of electricity supply and electricity use or disrupts the order of electricity supply and electricity use, shall be ordered to make correction by the administrative department of electric power, and be given a warning; if the case is serious or in case of refusal to make correction, electricity supply thereto may be suspended, and a fine not exceeding 50,000 yuan may be imposed concurrently.

Article 66
Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of Article 33, 43 or 44 of this Law, fails to compute and collect the electricity fee according to the State-approved electricity price and the record indicated by the electricity metering apparatus, or sets the electricity price beyond the authorized limits of power, or collects other charges in the electricity fee, shall be given a warning by the competent pricing administrative department, be ordered to return the fee and charges collected illegally, and may be imposed a fine not exceeding five times of that fee and charges collected illegally; if the case is serious, administrative penalty shall be given to the head in charge concerned and to persons held directly responsible.

Article 67
Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 49 of this Law, reduces the electricity quotas for agricultural and rural uses, shall be ordered to make correction by the administrative department of electric power; if the case is serious, administrative penalty shall be given to the head in charge concerned and to persons held directly responsible; if a loss is thereby caused, the violator shall be ordered to make compensation therefor.

Article 68
Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 52 or Article 54 of this Law, carries out an operation in the surrounding area of electric facilities or the protective zone for electric facilities designated according to law without authorization or without taking safety measures, which threatens the safety of electric facilities, shall be ordered to stop such operation by the administrative department of electric power, to restore to the original conditions and to make compensation for the loss.

Article 69
Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of Article 53 of this Law, constructs a building or constructional structure, grows plants or stockpiles articles and objects in the protective zone of electric facilities designated according to law, which threaten the safety of electric facilities, shall be ordered by the local people's government compulsorily to dismantle, chop or eliminate it.

Article 70
Anyone who commits any of the following acts and must be given a public security administration punishment, shall be penalized by the public security department in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Public Security Administration Punishment Regulations; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law:

1. obstructing electric power construction or repair and maintenance of electric facilities, thereby making it impossible for the electric power construction or repair and maintenance of electric facilities to be carried out normally;

2. disrupting the order of the electric power production enterprise, current transformation station, electricity distribution institution or electricity supply enterprise, and thereby making it impossible for production, work or service to be conducted normally;

3. beating or insulting the electricity inspector, meter reader or fee collector who is carrying out his job; or

4. refusing or obstructing the electric power supervisor or inspector to perform his duty according to law.

Article 71
Anyone who steals electric energy shall be ordered by the administrative department of electric power to stop the offense, be ordered to pay the electricity fee, and be imposed a fine not exceeding five times of the electricity fee that should be paid concurrently; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the provisions of Article 151 or 152 of the Criminal Law.

Article 72
Anyone who steals, or damages by any other means, electric power facilities and harms the safety of the public, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the provisions of Article 109 or 110 of the Criminal Law.

Article 73
If a staff member of the administrative department of electric power abuses his or her power, neglects his or her duty, uses his or her power for personal gains, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law in the case where a crime is constituted; or administrative penalty shall be given according to law in the case where no crime is constituted.

Article 74
If a staff member or worker of an electric power enterprise violates rules and regulations, distributes in violation of the rules or fails to obey the distribution order, and thus causes a serious accident, criminal responsibility shall be investigated by applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of Article 114 of the Criminal Law.

If a staff member or worker of the electric power enterprise deliberately delays the repair and maintenance of electric facilities or electricity supply for rescue and relief operations, and causes serious consequence, criminal responsibility shall be investigated by applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of Article 114 of the Criminal Law.

If a management personnel, electricity inspector, meter reader or fee collector extorts money from the user, uses electricity for personal gains, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law in the case where a crime is constituted; or administrative penalty shall be given thereto according to law in the case where no crime is constituted.


Chapter X Supplementary Provisions

Article 75
This Law shall enter into force on April 1, 1996.

Appendix: Relevant provisions of the Criminal Law

Article 109
Whoever sabotages electric power, gas facilities or other inflammable or explosive equipment and thereby endangers public safety, if serious consequences have not yet resulted, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment exceeding three years but not exceeding 10 years.

Article 110
Whoever sabotages a means of transport, transportation facilities, electric power or gas facilities, or inflammable or explosive equipment and thereby causes serious consequences shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment exceeding 10 years, life imprisonment or death.

Whoever negligently commits the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment not exceeding seven years or criminal detention.

Article 114
If any staff member or worker of a factory, mine, forestry farm, construction enterprise or other enterprise or institution disobeys management, violates the rules and regulations or forces workers to work in a hazardous circumstance in violation of the rules and thereby causes a serious accident involving injury or death and serious consequences, he or she shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment not exceeding three years or criminal detention; if the circumstances are especially flagrant, he or she shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment exceeding three years but not exceeding seven years.

Article 151
Whoever steals, swindles or forcibly seizes a relatively large amount of public or private property shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment not exceeding five years, criminal detention or public surveillance.

Article 152
A habitual thief or habitual swindler or anyone who steals, swindles or forcibly seizes a huge amount of public or private property shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment exceeding five years but not exceeding 10 years; if the circumstances are especially serious, he or she shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment exceeding 10 years or life imprisonment, and may concurrently be sentenced to a confiscation of property.