@Brint Biztech - Intellectual Property information & resources | www.brint.com/IntellP.htm |
Absurd archive | www.totallyabsurd.com/absurd.htm |
ACPC - Association of Corporate Patent Counsel | www.jurisdiction.com/acpc.htm |
AIPPI - International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property | www.aippi.org/ |
AIPPI - Japanese Group | www.aippi.or.jp/ |
AIPLA - American Intellectual Property Law Association | www.aipla.org/ |
ALCS - Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society | www.alcs.co.uk/ |
American Bar Association : Intellectual Property Law Section | www.abanet.org/intelprop/ |
APAA - Asian Patent Attorneys - Association Hong Kong Group | www.info.gov.hk/ipd/information /ip_organ/APAAe.htm |
APIC - Asia-Pacific Industrial Property Center | www.apic.jiii.or.jp/ |
APIPA - Asia Pacific Intellectual Property Association (Intellectual Property Information Service) | www.apipa.org.tw/ |
www.aplegal.com | www.aplegal.com |
APLF - Association of Patent Law Firms | www.aplf.org/ |
APLI - Asia Pacific Legal Institute | www.apli.org/ |
ARIPO - African Regional Industrial Property Organization | www.aripo.wipo.net/ |
ASA - Asociación Semilleros Argentinos (Plant Breeders' Association) | www.asarg.com/ |
ASCAP - American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers | www.ascap.com/ |
ASIP - Arab Society for Intellectual Property | www.aspip.org/ |
The Association of Estonian Patent Attorneys | www.turvaja.ee/eps_indx.htm |
The Association of Finnish Patent Attorneys - Suomen Patenttiasiamiesyhdistys ry | www.spay.fi/ |
Association of Patent Attorneys in Swedish Industry | www.sipf.se/pres-e.html |
ASTA - American Seed Trade Association | www.amseed.com/ |
AUTM Patent, Copyright, and Trademark Resources - Association of University Technology Managers | www.crpc.rice.edu/sitesmoved/ autmmoved.htmlpatent.html |
Austin Intellectual Property Law Association | www.austin-ipla.org/ |
Authors' Registry - royalty collecting service | www.authorsregistry.com/ |
Bitlaw: IP Legal Resource for Computer People | www.bitlaw.com/ |
BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., songwriters' licensing agency | www.bmi.com/home.asp |
BPLA - Boston Patent Law Association | www.bpla.org/ |
BSA - Business Software Alliance | www.bsa.org/ |
Business Publications Intellectual Property | www.bpubs.com/Intellectual_Property/ |
Cabinet Chaillot | www.chaillot.com |
Canadian Innovation Centre | www.innovationcentre.ca/ |
Canadian Seed Trade Association | www.cdnseed.org/ |
CCC - Copyright Clearance Centre | www.copyright.com/ |
China Intellectual Property Net | www.cnipr.com/ |
China's leading full service intellectual property firm with headquarters in Beijing and offices throughout China | www.patentim.com/eng |
CIII - Centre International Invention Innovation / The International Invention and Innovation Centre | www.centreinno.org/ |
CIPA - Chartered Institute of Patent Agents | www.cipa.org.uk/ |
CLA - Copyright Licensing Agency | www.cla.co.uk/ |
Copyright Clearance Centre | www.copyright.com/ |
Copyright Protection Centre of China (CPCC) | www.ccopyright.com.cn/ |
CORDIS - Community Research & Development Information Service | www.cordis.lu/en/home.html |
CTM AI - Community Trade Mark Advisory Initiative | www.communitytrademark.org/ |
David Wareing's "Patents on the Internet" | www.cuug.ab.ca:8001 /~fortuned/trans.html |
David Wareing's "Patents on the Internet" | www.cuug.ab.ca:8001 /~fortuned/trans.html |
Delphion Intellectual Property Network | www.www.delphion.com |
Directory to locate Attorneys Lawyers Law Firms - Directory and Search Engine to find Attorneys, Lawyers, Law Firms and Legal Resources | www.AttorneysLawyersLawfirms.com |
ECTA - European Communities Trade Mark Association | www.ecta.org/ |
EPI - Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (or here). | www.european-patent-office.org/epi/ |
EIPR - Enforcers of Intellectual Property Rights | www.antipiracy-india.com/ |
European Caveats Ltd : European Patent Watching Service | http://ds.dial.pipex.com/ecaveats/ |
European Legal Advisory Board - Intellectual Property | http://europa.eu.int/ISPO /legal/en/ipr/ipr.html |
European Patent - cheaper alternative | http://www.european-patent.org |
European Patent Office - "Where to find patent information on the Internet", EPO page of links (or here). | www.european-patent-office.org/online |
Franklin Pierce - Intellectual Property Mall | www.ipmall.fplc.edu/ |
FICPI - International Federation of Industrial Property Attorneys. | www.ficpi.org/ficpi/ |
Fun patents Australian patents, trade marks and designs | www.ipaustralia.gov.au/fun/fun.htm |
Gallery of obscure patents | http://patent.womplex.ibm.com /gallery.html |
Great Lakes Patent and Trademark Centre - Detroit Public Library service | www.detroit.lib.mi.us/glptc/ |
Hong Kong Inventors Association | www.hongkong-inventor.org |
Hieros Gamos - Guide to Intellectual Property Law & Resources | www.hg.org/intell.html |
The Hong Kong Institute of Trade Mark Practitioners Limited | www.hkitmp.org/ |
IAHC - Internet International Ad Hoc Committee (Domain Name Policies) | www.iahc.org/ |
IFFRO - International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisation | www.copyright.com/ifrro/ |
IID - The Institute for International Development | www.iid.org/ |
IIP - Institute of Intellectual Property | www.iip.or.jp/ |
IIPI - International Intellectual Property Institute | www.iipi.org/ |
ILA - Indian Licensing Association | www.ila-india.org/ |
INFOPAT - Association for the Study of International & Foreign Patent & Trademark Laws & Practice | www.tobi.com/infopat/ |
INTA - The International Trademark Association | www.inta.org/inta/ |
Internet4jurists | www.i4j.at |
IP Law Server | http://intelproplaw.com/ |
I.P. Paralegal Services - Paralegal Support to Lawyers: Specializing in Intellectual Property | www.ipparalegal.com/ |
Inside Careers - Career advice on the Patent Attorney profession | www.insidecareers.co.uk/patent/ |
Institute of Patentees and Inventors | www.invent.org.uk/ |
InPress Inc. | http://inpress.com/ |
The Intellectual Property Bureau of Hong Kong | www.houston.com.hk |
Intellectual Property Centre - Italian Centre of IP Research and Education | www.ipcentre.org/ |
The Intellectual Property Directory | www.cube.icestorm.net/ipdirect/ |
Intellectual Property Forum - researchers in patent law etc. | http://info.sm.umist.ac.uk/eg/ |
Intellectual Property Foundation of the Philippines | www.ipfoundation.org/ |
Intellectual Property Law Links - Daphné Vézina | www.mediom.qc.ca /~dvezina/aintprop.htm |
The Intellectual Property Laws of Hong Kong | www.justice.gov.hk/home.htm |
Intellectual Property Mall - Japanese Patent Office | www.jpo.go.jp/saikine/ |
Intellectual Property Management, Inc. | www.ipmanagement.com/ |
Intellectual Property Rights Helpdesk - European Commission | www.ipr-helpdesk.org/t_en/home.asp |
Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc | www.ipsanz.com.au/ |
InterAm Database Mexico. Intellectual property in México & Central America | www.natlaw.com/mexico/ topical/intellpro/intelpro.htm |
The Intellectual Property Reference Library - Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, and Trade Secrets | www.servtech.com/~mbobb/ |
Internet Patent News Service | www.ibiblio.org/patents/ipnsinfo.html |
IP Australia is the Australian federal government agency that grants rights in patents, trade marks and designs. | www.ipaustralia.gov.au |
IP Network - Intellectual Property Network | www.ipnetwork.com/ |
IP Law Practice Centre | www.law.com/professionals/iplaw.html |
IPCC - Industrial Property Cooperation Centre | www.ipcc.or.jp/ |
IPEG - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation: Intellectual Property Rights | www.apecsec.org.sg/ipr/ipr.html |
IPI - The Institute of Patentees & Inventors | www.invent.org.uk/ |
IPIC - Intellectual Property Institute of Canada / l'Institut de la Propriété Intellectuelle du Canada | www.ipic.ca/ |
ITMA - The Institute of Trade Mark Agents | www.itma.org.uk/ |
Japanese Patent Translation Specialists | www.brophy-phillips.com/ |
JASTA - Japan Seed Trade Association | www.jasta.or.jp/ |
JPAA - Japan Patent Attorneys Association | www.jpaa.or.jp/ |
JDPA - Japan Design Protection Association | www.jdpa.or.jp/ |
JFPC - Japan Foods Patent Centre | www.jfpc.net/ |
JIPA - Japan Intellectual Property Association | www.jipa.or.jp/english/index.html |
JTM - The Japan Technomart Foundation | www.jtm.or.jp/ |
Jurisdiction Law - Intellectual Property Law Links (Canada) | www.jurisdiction.com/ |
Katsuey's IP Links | www.katsuey.com /group3.htm#intellectual property |
KIKUMA | http://web.ffn.ne.jp/~kikuma/index2.html |
KIPRIC - Korea Industrial Property Rights Information Centre | www.kipris.or.kr/ |
KuesterLaw - Patent Copyright Trademark Resources | www.kuesterlaw.com/kiprsrc.htm |
LES - Licensing Executives Society | www.les.org/ |
LES Australia & New Zealand | www.lesanz.org.au/ |
LES Benelux | http://les-europe.org/benelux/ |
LES Britain and Ireland | http://les-europe.org/gb-ireland/ |
LES Czech Republic | www.les-europe.org/czech-republic/ |
LES France | http://les-europe.org/france/ |
LES Groups - Licensing Executives Society Regional Member Societies | www.les.org/les_societies.html |
LES Germany | http://les-europe.org/germany/ |
LES Italy | www.patnet.it/dati/enti/les/italia.html |
LES Switzerland | www.frei-patent.ch/les.html |
LES USA and Canada | www.usa-canada.les.org/ |
LESI - Licensing Executives Society International | www.lesi.org/ |
LIMA - International Licensing Industry Merchandisers' Association | www.licensing.org/ |
Licensing Executives Society - Arab Countries | www.lesarab.org/ |
Marks-Patents.com by Rehermann & Kann - Legal Counselors to the Association of Uruguayan Inventors (AIU), International Federation of Inventors Associations (IFIA) member. | www.marks-patents.com |
MARQUES - Association of European Brand Owners | www.martex.co.uk/marques/ |
Max Planck Institute for International patent Copyright and Competition Law | www.intellecprop.mpg.de/ |
Mayall's IP (Patent) Links - searches, law etc. | www.mayallj.freeserve.co.uk/ |
MINDS - Malaysian Invention & Design Society | www.minds.org.my/ |
www.michaelries.com | www.michaelries.com |
Motion Picture Association of America, Inc. | www.mpaa.org/ |
MWZB Patent links | www.mwzb.com/lnkpat.html |
NAPP - National Association of Patent Practitioners | www.napp.org/ |
The National Copyright Administration of The People's Republic of China | www.ncac.gov.cn |
NCIPLA - National Council of Intellectual Property Associations | www.ncipla.org/ |
Nerdworld Copyright and Patents | www.nerdworld.com /users/dstein/nw427.html |
Netrights Intellectual Property Web Sites | www.netrights.com/IPSites.html |
New Jersey Law Network - Intellectual Property Law | http://njlawnet.com/iplaw.html |
Nikola Tesla - Jim Bieberich's Complete Nikola Tesla U.S. Patent Collection | www.mall-usa.com/BPCS/tesla.html |
NPA - National Patent Association | www.nationalpatent.com/ |
NVZP - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Zaaizaad en Plantgoed (Plant Breeders' Association). | www.nvzp.nl/ |
OAPI - Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle | www.oapi.cm/ |
The Office For the Protection of New Varieties of Plants, State Forestry Administration, P. R. China | www.cnpvp.net |
Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale - Order of Industrial Property Attorneys | www.ordine-brevetti.it/ |
O'Reilly Network - Patents DevCentre | www.oreillynet.com/policy/ |
PAK - Patentanwaltskammer - Chamber of Patent Attorneys | www.patentanwalt.de/ |
Patentanwalt Suche - Patent Attorney Search | www.patentanwalt-suche.de/ |
Patent Attorneys Cooperation Association of Japan | www.epoch.co.jp/pacaj/ |
Patent Cafe - IP Directory | www.patentcafe.com/ |
Patent Cafe Mall - IP Bookstore | www.ipbookstore.com/ |
The Patent Info™ page | www.uspatentinfo.com/ |
Patent Information on the Internet - a compilation | ourworld.compuserve.com/ homepages/Enric_Carbonell/ |
Patent Law Links.Com | www.patentlawlinks.com/ |
Patent Law Web Server - Extensive range of intellectual property information | www.patents.com/ |
Patent Facilitating Centre - TIFAC | www.indianpatents.org/ |
The Patent Site - Vagn Nissen's IP toolbox | www.patent-site.com/ |
Patently Absurd! - links to serious patent information | www.patent.freeserve.co.uk/ serious.html |
Patently Absurd! - Absurd patents; useless inventions | www.patent.freeserve.co.uk/ |
PATMG - Patent and Trade Mark Group (British Institute of Information Scientists). | www.luna.co.uk/~patmg/ |
Peter's Patent Page - General links, Searches, US Attorneys, etc. | www.patentperfect.com/ |
Phillips Ormonde & Fitzpatrick - IP Menu, global IP links | www.ipmenu.com/ |
PIUG - Patent Information Users Group | www.piug.org/ |
PIPLA - Philadelphia Intellectual Property Law Association | www.pipla.org/ |
Polska Izba Rzeczników Patenowych - Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys | www.pirp.org.pl/ |
Polska Akademia Nauk - Polish Academy of Sciences | www.pan.pl/ |
Propriété Industrielle - French intellectual property links | www.evariste.anvar.fr/inpi/ |
PTC World - Patent,Trade Mark, Copyright World: IP links | www.ptcworld.com/ |
PTOS - Patent & Trademark Office Society | www.ptos.org/ |
R & J Patent Drafting - Intellectual Property Resource Directory | www.rjpatent.com/ |
Rackette Partnerschaft Patentanw?te - IP link collection | www.ip-links.com/ |
SAIIPL - The South African Institute of Intellectual Property | www.saiipl.org.za/ |
Silicon Strategies - Silicon IP market | www.s2mag.com/ |
Software Publishers Association | www.spa.org/ |
SPI - Software Patent Institute | www.spi.org/ |
The State Intellectual Property Office of The People's Republic of China | www.sipo.gov.cn |
The State Trademark Office of The State Industrial and Commercial Administration of The People's Republic of China | www.tmo.gov.cn |
Strategic Patent Resources on the Web | www.rjpatent.com/ |
SurfIP - IP Database Portal & Integrated Search: Singapore | www.surfip.gov.sg/ |
www.TechnoLAWgy.com | www.TechnoLAWgy.com |
TIFAC - Technology Information Forecasting & Assessment Council: Patent Facilitating Cell | www.tifac.org.in/do/pfc/pfc.htm |
Trademark Wars : Trademark rights v Free Speech on the Web | www.muchmusic.com/muchmusic /cyberfax/trademark.html |
TUG Libraries - (Canada) - Patents & Trademarks | www.tug-libraries.on.ca /referencetools/patents.html |
USPTO Patent Information | www1.uspto.gov/web/menu/pats.html |
U.S. Copyright Office | http://lcweb.loc.gov/ |
U.S. International Trade Commission | www.usitc.gov/ |
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office | www.uspto.gov |
U.S. Trade Representative's Office | www.ustr.gov |
V.K. Varun Patent Resources on Internet | http://vkv.tripod.com/patent.htm |
VC Task Force | www.VCTaskForce.com/ |
The VRN Patent Page - General patent information and a good set of links - Vagn Nissen of Denmark | www.vagn.dk/patent/ |
The Wacky Patent of the Month | http://colitz.com/site/wacky.htm |
Weird And Wonderful Patents | www.lightlink.com/bbm/weird.html |
WIPLF - World Intellectual Property Law Forum | www.cils.org/WIPLF.html |
WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization | www.wipo.int/ |
World Intellectual Property Report | www.bna.com/mkt/leg/r.WIPR.html |
World Trade Organization | www.wto.org |
Y2K Patents | www.pcprofile.com/patent.htm |
Yahoo - IP sites | dir.yahoo.com/Government /Law/Intellectual_Property/ |