china law

Edward Lehman Joins ABA Blue Ribbon Panel on IPR(June16, 2006)

Beijing, China. - June 09, 2006 - The American Bar Association has chosen Edward Lehman to sit on a Blue Ribbon Panel of patent lawyers. This panel will make comments and suggestions to the drafting of China's new patent laws and regulations. Mr. Lehman is the only foreign lawyer who has a Chinese practice on the panel.

The Blue Ribbon Panel will serve several functions. One will be to act as a bridge between the ABA and China, making the wishes of American attorneys and clients known to China's lawmakers. Mr. Lehman was chosen to sit on this panel because he has both an extensive experience in Chinese law and a solid understanding of Western legal traditions.

Most of Mr. Lehman's experience in Chinese law has been with the firm he co-founded: Lehman, Lee & Xu. The firm is a top-tier Chinese corporate law firm and the eighth private firm in China.The firm currently has offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Macau, and Mongolia. The firm is managed by Mr. Edward Lehman, who has nearly twenty years of legal experience in China.